Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mix & Match

Leather was really popular back in the day and you probably still see some females walking around with tight leather pants. I figured why not recycle old styles and add the new age flavor to it? Maybe those old pair of leather pants that your aunt or mom has stuffed some where deep inside her closet can come in handy one day. Yeah it may take a little begging and pleading to get her to hand them over, but if that fails you can always go to your local craft store and purchase leather or other fabric pieces there. I decided to do something a little different this time and clash unique fabrics. Why not have Mrs. Cotton and Mr. Leather pair up and who knows what look the two can bring. Surprisingly they make quite a pair. Then by adding a shiny object like a gem or jewel or maybe even an old belt or shoe buckle could make this top seem so original. And TADAH there you have it.

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